"Every human being is born free and equal in dignity and rights, without distinctions of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic status, birth, or any other condition. Likewise, all persons enjoy human rights."

    In this subject. it is necessary to review and apply the studies of the International Declaration of Human Rights, both the constitutional and other laws for the State, in order to analyze cases and learn about the different currents of thought and their doctrines. Also, to study the different protection mechanisms and their levels of applications that frame the recognition of the human being as a person and intrinsic dignity.

    The development of this subject is focused on the critical, analytical, and reflective ability to see things; for this reason, throughout the cycle, it is essential to read all the books proposed by the facilitator.

    Welcome to all of you, let's begin this semester with enthusiasm and that desire to learn something new every day!!

    "Every human has rights"

    Every human has rights.

Available courses

This is the first unit for you to get all the necessary knowledge about your rights and the others one.